About Starfire Motorsport

An experienced and reliable broker for UK, Subaru, and Japanese import cars.

A Better Way to Import Cars to the US

At Starfire Motorsport, we love cars, and we want to help people purchase the specific cars that they love. Especially the ones that never made it to America.

We exist to simplify the process of buying and importing cars from the UK, Europe, Japan, and other countries, so you can focus on enjoying the drive.

Our Story

Like any car enthusiasts, we grew up idolizing a lot of different cars. The cars that never made it to the US, however, were always extra special. We’d see them in movies, and we could drive them in games, but we wanted to get behind the actual wheel and take them around our neighborhood.

The only way to do that was to import them. So we did.

It started with the Audi S2. We tracked one down in Scotland, and we made the purchase. It seemed simple enough in the moment, but we quickly learned how wrong we were. After coordinating the shipping, redoing all of the paperwork, and figuring out every intermediate step as we went, we somehow got the car here.

Since then, we’ve learned how each step of the process works, we’ve made relationships with shipping companies and foreign mechanics, and we’ve developed a system that runs about as smoothly as car importing can run.

Today, we regularly bring in fresh imports from the UK, Europe, Japan, and Canada. If you’re looking for something in particular, we’d love to help you find it.

Giving Back

We believe it’s important to give back to your community. One of the ways we do this is through Goons4Good.

Goons4Good puts together adult hockey tournaments that benefit numerous local charities and youth organizations across the state of Minnesota. Our founder, Derrik, is a lifelong hockey fan and Minnesota resident, and this organization means a lot to him. Not only is Starfire Motorsport a sponsor, but Derrik helps coordinate the tournaments and regularly participates in them.

If you’d like to become a sponsor, join a tournament, or get involved in some other way, don’t hesitate to reach out.

We're Here to Help Find Your Import

Buying a foreign car can be very intimidating. Not only do you have to coordinate the logistics and file a lot of specific paperwork, but you need to trust the car is in good condition. Unless you plan to fly thousands of miles across the ocean, all you’ll have to go on is a handful of pictures and the word of the auctioneer.

At Starfire Motorsport, we do everything we can to inspect purchases, flag concerns, and import the most reliable vehicles that can be found. These cars are at least 25 years old, which means they’ve seen their fair share of use. They’ll never be perfect, but we’ve learned the major flags to look out for, and we have numerous connections overseas to help us inspect vehicles before they’re imported.

We also regularly visit the UK and other countries to test drive and import vehicles ourselves as we’re able to. If you’re looking for a particular car, don’t hesitate to reach out.